The SKRAWIT company is a manufacturer of rollers for the crusher of various types of forage harvesters. Rollers for less popular types of forage harvesters on the market are manufactured to order. The presented rollers fit Class Jaguar, John Deere, and Shredlage. Depending on the forage harvester model, they may have holes drilled. The rollers are very resistant to abrasion, and very sharp, after dedicated technological processes and balancing. The rollers produced are proven in operation, high quality, and durable. We have appropriate certificates for both the material and individual technological processes. After the frame is delivered, it is possible to replace the worn rollers with new ones at a price determined individually depending on the degree of wear of the crusher parts. We provide free transport/delivery/shipping.

Production of rollers for crushers in field forage harvesters
SKRAWIT as a manufacturer of rollers for crushers in field forage harvesters, uses custom-made steel with the addition of chromium or other grades of steel. Milled rollers are subjected to appropriate technological processes to obtain a high-strength final product. The roller teeth are directional and very sharp.

Production of rollers for grain crushers
Recently, SKRAWIT has developed the processes necessary to produce rollers for grain crushers, in other words, the selection of appropriate material, milling/knurling method, and selection of thermal processes to increase durability.

Regeneration of rollers and crushers
In many cases, SKRAWIT undertakes the process of regenerating rollers. Each time rollers intended for regeneration must be assessed for repairability. The degree of wear and technical condition of the rollers are assessed.

Other products and services
The company’s activities include broadly understood services using metalworking machines, i.e. turning, milling, threading, etc.