
Crushing machines for forage harvesters

With the development of agriculture, there was a need to replace traditionally used hand tools with more efficient and faster mechanical devices. One of them, increasingly used on farms, is a self-propelled forage harvester with its drive system. Self-propelled forage harvester – what is it? A self-propelled forage harvester is a complex, multi-functional agricultural machine that combines many processes in one technological sequence: mowing, collecting plant matter, grinding, pressing, shredding, crushing and unloading onto means of transport.

Intended use of corn crushers

Intended use of corn crushers Grain crushers, including corn crushers, are used to process various types of cereals and legumes. Thanks to the process of crushing the grain, a highly digestible feed is obtained and, as a result, a very effective way of feeding farm animals. During mechanical grinding/crushing of grain, it does not lose its nutritional value. Therefore, it is important to use solutions in grain crushing devices so that the operating temperature is not high, which affects the stability of proteins in the feed, and the grain grinding is appropriate, achieved with the least amount of work and low energy consumption.

Crusher rollers

On farms specializing especially in cattle breeding, to efficiently harvest bulk fodder, it is necessary to use a highly efficient device, automated in operation and resulting in the highest quality fodder. In this case, you can use a self-propelled forage harvester, which is one of the most expensive machines used in agriculture. It is therefore not surprising that used units are sought after on the agricultural market, with a wide variety of models and a wide price range, as well as a wide technical condition.